Healing: Goals

Welcome to Part 3 of my series on Healing.


Goals…something you are trying to achieve or are directing effort towards a specified end. For instance, if you have a hard time going to Walmart because of the large crowd you could set up a series of goals. Perhaps, you’d like to start off with just driving by Walmart before moving onto sitting in the parking lot at Walmart. The next stage could be to walk in to Walmart and then back out again. Followed by spending five minutes inside Walmart, and then increasing the amount of time spent in Walmart by increments. Talking can likewise be goal oriented when it comes to healing. When talking about your past or your hurts in life, it’s my belief; we should be doing so in a manner in which it brings about clarity and healing. I recently read a quote which said, “If you must go back to the past, don’t go there to seek the pain…seek the lessons instead”. That is being goal oriented. Talking about my past, my hurts, and current difficulties I face has always been a way for me to process those events in my life. It brings clarity and healing to me because I seek the lessons to be learned.


Talking isn’t always easy, however, and can be painful. If we don’t face the pain and work through it, then we will never know the joy of moving beyond it. Be wise in who you choose to talk to. Not everyone is equipped to not only hear but handle what you have to say. Not everyone has the wisdom needed to help guide you through this season of your life. Seek out a professional counselor if you feel you need one, and don’t be afraid to ask him or her questions to make sure they are a good fit for you and what you are trying to achieve.


In my next posting I’ll be talking about “Motives”. I hope you’ll join me.

Published byLeah K.

Proud Wife, Stay-at-Home Mother of 3, a Christian (No, I'm not perfect. Yes, I make plenty of mistakes...that's why I need Christ in my life), abuse survivor, owner of an etsy store (Flairicity), and blogger.

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