My Declaration

     I believe in the power of words. I believe that with my words I can either store up and bind unforgiveness or I can release forgiveness. I believe that people can either speak blessings or curses. I believe that with my words I can change how I feel about things.

Proverbs 18:21 (New Living Translation)
The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences“.
     I also believe that forgiveness is a choice. That I can choose to speak forgiveness towards my mother, and that over time the feeling of forgiveness towards her will come. I know that forgiveness isn’t always instant. With Jon, my abuser, I had to forgive him daily for a long time, and there are still times when memories come to mind where I have to forgive him all over again. It can be an on going process, and so it will be with my mom. 
Deuteronomy 5:16 (New Living Translation)
Honor your father and mother, as the LORD your God commanded you. Then you will live a long, full life in the land the LORD your God is giving you“.
     Deuteronomy 5:16 is the first commandment with a promise. To honor our parents that we may have a long life. As one of my Aunts recently said to me, “we aren’t commanded to honor only good moms, but to honor our mom” (paraphrased). I don’t have to honor her bad choices or bad behavior, but there are things about her that I can find to give her honor. For instance, I can choose to honor her for giving me life. It is because she gave me life that I am able to be a wife and mother, and am able to enjoy the life that I now have. I can honor her for always keeping a roof over my head, food in my stomach, clothes on my body, and a wide range of material things. I can choose to honor her in those ways with out condoning the areas for which I have been hurt. I will choose to honor her not only because I am commanded to so do, but because I know in my heart it is the right thing to do. Romans 13:7 talks about giving honor to where honor is due, and that is what I’ll do…give honor in the areas where it is due.
Romans 13:7 (King James Version)
Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor“.
     In my last post I said that I would share with all of you my plan for forgiving my mom. With some help from my Aunt I have written a declaration that I have printed out, and taped up on the wall in my closet. I plan on reading it daily if I have to. Before I share it with all of you I’d like to take a moment to talk about declarations. For me personally, I have decided to write a declaration of forgiveness, blessings, and healing. This is what I have chosen to do to walk out the forgiveness path that I have chosen. This is not something that I am pushing on anyone. I am simply sharing with all of you what this part of my healing walk looks like. I believe that declaring forgiveness, blessings, and healing can be powerful, and in its self healing for the person speaking it. I start off my declaration speaking to the Spiritual and Heavenly realms because I am choosing to stand on the authority given to me as a child of the Most High God.


My Declaration
I speak to the Spiritual and Heavenly realms in the name of Jesus. I declare forgiveness be applied towards my mom and in my life. I free her of my anger, hurt, feelings of blame and of betrayal, and of my judgments. I ask you Father God to forgive me for my unforgiveness, judgments, and scoring. I ask that you release me from my judgments. I declare healing over both of our lives. I speak love, life, healing, happiness, and forgiveness over my mom’s life. I declare now in the name of Jesus that she is able to forgive just as she has been forgiven. That she is set free from her anxiety, fears, and traumas; that the power they hold over her life be broken. That her spiritual senses be reawakened so that she can hear you, Lord, calling her back to, you, her first love. That she will be able to feel worthy of your forgiveness, and be able to accept the forgiveness that you have paid such a high price for. That she starts to walk in the destiny that you have prepared for her. Again, I speak forgiveness and healing over my mom and myself. I choose to honor her for giving me life. I speak to my feelings of anger, hurt, blame, betrayal, and to my judgments. I thank you for helping me to protect myself, but I break agreement with you now in the name of Jesus. I will choose forgiveness because I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I bless myself to receive the power of the Holy Spirit to govern my thoughts, words and actions. I declare that I am fearfully and wonderfully made in the likeness of Jesus and that His love flows through me. I speak to my Spirit and I say receive all the blessing of Jesus that He has purposefully designed for you today. I speak to my body and I say receive health today and nourishment and be well and strong and receive every blessing that flows from the cross where Jesus died and paid for you. Finally, I speak to my heart and say You are loved by Jesus and accepted by Jesus so rejoice! I declare these things in Jesus name. Amen.

Published byLeah K.

Proud Wife, Stay-at-Home Mother of 3, a Christian (No, I'm not perfect. Yes, I make plenty of mistakes...that's why I need Christ in my life), abuse survivor, owner of an etsy store (Flairicity), and blogger.

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